Dungeons & Dragons Trainer 2014

Dungeons & Dragons Trainer 2014

It had been derived from tiny wargames using a version of the Chain mail game functioning as the original rule system.D&D's publication is broadly considered the start of contemporary role-playing games and also the roleplaying game sector.
D&D departs from conventional wargaming and assigns each participant a particular character to play in lieu of a military development. These figures embark up on imagined experiences in a fantasy environment.

Dungeons & Dragons Trainer 2014 Screenshot

Dungeons & Dragons Trainer 2014

A Dungeon Learn functions as the overall game's referee and story-teller, while at the same time playing the duty of the denizens and keeping the setting when the experiences happen. The figures form an event that socializes together with the setting's denizens (and each other). Together they resolve predicaments, participate in conflicts and collect information and treasure. In the procedure the figures earn expertise points to become progressively strong over some sessions.

Dungeons & Dragons Trainer 2014 Features

NUMPAD1 - Unlimited health for the hero (God Mode)
NUMPAD2 - Unlimited items for the hero
NUMPAD3 - Increase the number of power points by 25
NUMPAD4 - Increase the number of feat points by 25
NUMPAD5 - Increase the number of ability points by 25
NUMPAD6 - Increase all hero’s attributes
NUMPAD7 - Increase the amount of gold by 5,000 coins
NUMPAD8 - Increase the amount of experience by 5,000
NUMPAD9 - Increase the amount of items a bag can carry
NUMPAD+ - Increase the hero’s level
NUMPAD- - Decrease the hero’s level
NUMPAD. - One hit kills
NUMPAD/ - Save the current position
NUMPAD* - Load the last position

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